Wiley Publishing Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability and Science of Customer Centricity (+ CD-ROM)
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The Web, online marketing, and advertising have been revolutionized in the last few years, yet the approach to using data has remained largely the same as a decade ago. Web analytics thought leader Avinash Kaushik presents the next-generation framework of web analytics in this exciting book that will dramatically enhance the ability of your organization to think smart and move fast. In this book, Avinash lays out specific strategies and execution models to evolve from simply leveraging clickstream tools to incorporating the insightful elixir of qualitative data, experimentation and testing, and competitive intelligence tools. While expanding upon the industry-shaping lessons from his bestselling book Web Analytics: An Hoar a Day, Avinash explains how to measure, analyze, and act upon today`s quickly evolving web technologies and trends-including social media, video, mobile, and online user-centric design options. As he updates traditional approaches, Avinash debunks myths,... ISBN:978-0-470-52939-3

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