ДМК CIO - новый лидер. Постановка задач и достижений целей / The New CIO Leader: Setting the Agenda and Delivering Results
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288 стр. Книга CIO новый лидер объясняет, почему в настоящее время технологии играют основную роль в производстве каждого продукта и предоставления услуги, что означает новый лидер и как стать таким лидером. Главная цель авторов книги помочь директорам информационной службы (CIO) выбрать правильный путь. Книга предназначена для руководителей ИТ-подразделений, которые стремятся стать лидерами в преддверии изменения роли информационных технологий и не согласны со своим нынешним положением. Руководители информационных служб должны осознать, какова их позиция сегодня, как она будет видоизменяться, какие новые приоритеты нужно поставить и какие действия предстоит совершить, чтобы действительно стать новым лидером.The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is a position of responsibility and visibility. In the past, many thought that CIO means career is over. Broadbent and Kitzis demonstrate that this does not have to be the case. Their book, the New CIO Leader, provides a roadmap for the activities and results CIOs need to deliver to move from managing technology to leading a value creating IS organization. Based on working with hundreds of CIOs over the past six years, Kitzis and Broadbent concentrate on 10 actions that are characteristic of a CIO leader. Those are: 1) Lead -- get out in front of issues, creating solutions and contributing to the business. 2) Understand your environment -- as this sets the context for success and contribution 3) Create your vision -- have a view on the future and how you will realize it. 4) Shape and inform expectations -- they are the criteria by which results are really measured. 5) Create clear IT governance -- the way you make decisions determines the way you will create value 6) Weave together business and IT strategy -- the two must become one and build on each other 7) Build a new IS organizations -- one that recognizes the realities of sourcing and new technologies. 8) Build high performing IT teams -- they are the ones that deliver the results, you cannot do it alone for long 9) Manage IT risks -- these are increasingly business risks 10) Communicate performance -- measure where you are, what you've done and don't keep it a secret. Broadbent and Kitzis provide practical advice and frameworks for CIOs to use regardless of their particular industry and situation. In that way, the New CIO Leader is applicable to any IT executive looking to move into a senior leadership position. The New CIO leader is also very applicable to the business executive who is assuming an IT leadership role -- perhaps even as a CIO themselves. There are many books coming out on the CIO lately, filled with hype about what the CIO should be or must become. Kitzis and Broadbent provide practical advice, techniques and tools based on what CIO leaders are doing to lead the business and IT. This is not hype, the book contains proven practices for IT executives who want to make a business contribution. ISBN:5-98453-023-6

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