John Wiley and Sons A Genie`s Wisdom: A Fable of How a CEO Learned to Be a Marketing Genius
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Newly appointed CEO B.J.Bigdome struggles in his attempt to develop a strategy for effectively marketing his products. Without a background in marketing, Bigdome doesn`t know who to turn to for reliable advice - until a genie appears with solutions to all his most pressing quandaries. It`s the same genie responsible for earth-shattering company turnarounds, super marketing innovations, and the success of headline CEOs. Through ten succinct chapters, the genie answers these ten fundamental questions: What is the essence of marketing? What`s branding all about? What should be my product strategy? How do I get my pricing right? Are there limits to growth? What is good research? How do I evaluate advertising? How do I pick the right medium? How important are logos? What mistakes are made most often? This simple, handy book answers all these questions by... ISBN:0-471-23608-X

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